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The inflatable marker buoy ideal for use as course marker for open water swimming & triathlon events.
Love Inflatables 2024 whitewater fishing self-bailing raft
ultra light model exceptionally lightweight and highly compact packraft. The design emphasizes lightness and compressibility to ensure this packraft can be easily transported to the remotest wilderness and beyond the mountains.
Rafting boat for professionals. Designed for commercial outfitters, rafting operators and experienced paddlers
perfect one-person vessel for exploring packrafting
A packraft and a bike is a match made in heaven, whether you fancy big bikerafting missions or round-trip river trips close to home.
Canoe Yukon, bigger and 1 foot longer. Canoe keeps its classic shape and performance, speed and rigidity. Its longer and wider for bigger buoyancy, better comfort inside and faster selfbailing.