Big adventure in a very small bag! It is so small and light that it can easily be combined with trekking or biking. It firstly allows you to enjoy everywhere and anytime the change of perspective being on the water and having a full expedition proven raft with you.
The new design Love Inflatables model can be brought up to speed and maintained with two to three strokes. In addition, the mat is constructed in such a way that it almost completely displaces residual water. For a self-bailer, this makes more agile and easy to manoeuvre.
The use of packrafts in adventure racing has evolved dramatically since their introduction by packrafting pioneer Dick Griffiths in the early years of the Alaska Wilderness Classic. Initially conceived as a solution for navigating the rugged Alaskan wilderness, packrafts quickly proved indispensable for crossing rivers and lakes that would otherwise pose insurmountable obstacles
A packraft is a lightweight and portable inflatable watercraft designed for outdoor adventures, particularly in remote and rugged environments. It combines the features of a raft and a kayak, making it versatile for various types of water activities.